NYC Volunteer Orientation: March 2025

Thursday, March 13 from 12:00pm EDT - 01:30pm EDT
36 West 44th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036
Presented By Kalyn Loewer, Manager of Digital Collections at the NYG&B

As part of our mission to preserve New York history, volunteers actively digitize records and documents in our New York City Digitization Center. Volunteers in the center are trained to use our scanning equipment, software for image quality control, and the NYG&B’s best practices for file management.

To get started, we ask prospective volunteers to participate in an orientation in which the NYG&B’s Manager of Digital Collections will provide training in scanning, indexing, and editing, while also assessing your aptitude for the digitization process. Orientations start promptly at 12 p.m. and take approximately an hour; an additional thirty minutes is allotted for questions and practicing with the equipment. Register via the button above.

Volunteers who demonstrate ease and comfort with the technology and a desire to return will be invited to sign up for future volunteer spots.