Phineas Allen Burt Parents
Looking for Phineas Allen Burt's parents in 17-1800s in New York State. Phineas said he was born in Oneida Co. in 1807. Phineas does not own land until he moved to WI in 1863. He is a stone mason and farmer. Married in Berkshire, Tioga Co., NY, to Polly Evans in 1829, first five children born in Cortland and Tompkins Co., Moved to Cuba, Allegany Co. two more children, 1840, Moved to Machais, Cattaraugus Co., four more children, 1850, moved to Amity, Allegany Co.,1860's last child born. Left for WI thru Buffalo and Great Lakes, 1863. Looking thru probate records at present. Eliminating Burt families in New York whose family research do not include Phineas. Believe first born David Franklin Burt possibly named after Phineas' father. Can't find a David that fits yet. Second daughter named after Polly's mother, Sarah, third daughter is named after mother, Polly, Believe Polly's father is William Evans which second son is named. Possible Phineas is named after his mother's father, a Phineas Allen, who is from Oneida Co but can't find a connection. Any ideas gladly accepted. Gloria School Farrell, gggranddaughter of Phineas.
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