Vol 150, No. 2 Early Sicard-Secor Familes of NY - Jeanne Perron


Vol 150, No. 2 Early Sicard-Secor Familes of NY - Jeanne Perron

General Genealogy Discussion

I have been enjoying the discussion by Mr. Moulton on the Sicard families and have a question about Jeanne Perron, wife of Ambroise Sicard.  In NYGBR Vol. 150, No. 2, Page 123, Footnote 107, it mentions that there were godparents Jeanne Perron nd Jean Membrut.  If this Jeanne Perron was the wife of Ambroise, why wouldn't she have been noted as Jeanne Sicard?  Was it common to note the woman's maiden name and not her married name?

Sun, 03/27/2022 - 15:44

Darryl G Secor

Asking for NYGBR info on Darryl G Secor, born 1956, who owns a farm and its adjacent home nearby in Mahwah, NJ, 2 miles from my home.

Mon, 04/04/2022 - 14:28

RE: Vol 150, No. 2 Early Sicard-Secor Familes of NY - Jeanne Per

I went to read that footnote, rgehring2! It says that the church record is in the French church of New York, which is a register written in French. As a French Canadian, I can tell you that the French customs were like the Dutch customs: maiden names were used as a matter of course. It's still like that in Quebec today. Very few records identify a woman by her husband's name. Sure, we can be called Mrs. Something, but that's only in casual speech, not in record keeping. So yes, it's perfectly normal, in fact customary, for a French woman to be called by her maiden name in church and civil records written by the French.