Should You Add DNA Testing to Your Genealogy Toolbox?
You can’t escape the advertising. Should you be wearing a kilt or lederhosen? Is genetic genealogy (DNA testing) a passing fad? This presentation will provide you with a basic overview of DNA testing for genealogy, covering the principal tests available, how the testing is performed, the three major testing companies, and give you a better understanding of the risks and rewards involved. Watch the webinar.
Using Third-Party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA
Although DNA testing companies provide their own analysis of test results, there are third-party tools that allow test-takers to learn even more about their genomic heritage. Watch the webinar.
Using Autosomal DNA for 18th and 19th Century Mysteries
Even though our 18th and 19th century ancestors have been dead for decades, their DNA still survives in their descendants. Learn how to use autosomal DNA to attack and potentially solve genealogical mysteries and brick walls for ancestors who were born or lived in the 1800’s, 1700’s, and beyond. Watch the webinar.
Using Your DNA to Connect to Your Irish Roots
Y-DNA is used for surname research. Autosomal DNA connects you with cousins on all your ancestral lines. Using case studies, Maurice will show you how to use DNA to break through Brick Walls in your own genealogical research. Watch the webinar.
Identifying and Examining DNA Outliers
The amount of DNA shared by two people with a specific genealogical connection can vary considerably. The Shared cM Project attempts to identify these ranges by collecting information from thousands of example relationships. However, sometimes we find shared DNA amounts that don’t fit the expected relationship. Does this mean the expected relationship is incorrect, or that it is truly an outlier? Together we will examine the methodologies used to examine possible outlier situations. Watch the webinar.
Case Studies in Macrogenealogy: Brick Walls, Multiple Lineages, and Clan Origins
Traditional paper genealogy is "microgenealogy" and seeks to identify immediate ancestors. Macrogenealogy, in analogy to macroeconomics, folds in other disciplines -- demography, geography, mathematics, genetics -- and can answer more general questions. This talk presents cases studies in macrogenealogy that address why the Atlantic is frequently a brick wall for genealogy, why any group of 100 men will fall into about 50 distinct lineages, and how Dark Ages branching, before surnames, may identify modern descendants of a historic clan. Watch the webinar.
Finding Your New England Immigrant with Big-Y DNA
This program will help you to learn about the applicability of Y-DNA testing. You will learn from a from a Big-Y expert how this cutting-edge advanced Y-DNA signature test can be put to work. Presented by Skip Duett, he shows a real-life example of how to understand how Big-Y can help you. Watch the webinar.
Getting Your ACGT Together: Organizational Strategies for DNA Analysis
DNA test results are constantly changing, so trying to organize them can feel like aiming for a moving target. Paul Woodbury helps you learn to organize your results around clear research objectives in order to isolate, prioritize, analyze and correlate the genetic data most pertinent to your research. Watch the webinar.