As interest in DNA and genealogy continues to explode, a relative newcomer to the DNA testing scene, Living DNA, has many family history enthusiasts excited about their offerings.
Founded in 2016, this England-based company has developed some innovative techniques that allow family history researchers to achieve a new level of insight into their genetic ancestry.

Living DNA differentiates themselves from other DNA testing companies in a number of ways, but perhaps most intriguing is the fact that their tests show a greater-than-usual level of geographic detail, allowing some users the ability to pinpoint their DNA to precise regions.
This blog goes into greater detail on this feature below.
Living DNA's commitment to privacy is also notable - a recent article in Popular Science, Here’s what kind of data genetics testing companies can share, found that Living DNA does not share any research data with outside for-profit companies, unlike many others.
Learn about Living DNA at the 2018 New York State Family History Converence
Living DNA is a Excelsior-level sponsor of the 2018 New York State Family History Conference.
Don't miss the opportunity to talk to their team members and learn all about genetic genealogy from their professionals.
Living DNA’s founders, David Nicholson and Hannah Morden, will be leading four sessions, including the main plenary session of the conference:
- The Science of Genetic Genealogy: Explore the science of all types of DNA testing from the popular autosomal DNA to mtDNA and YDNA
- Tracing Your European Ancestry: Explore the next generation of DNA admixture testing and how it can help narrow down your European Ancestors.
- Plenary Session: The Future of Family History and DNA: Living DNA explores how to take the guesswork out of DNA relationships using their latest tools
- Behind the Scenes of DNA Testing and Living DNA: With the rise in DNA testing this talks looks at what goes on with your DNA sample, the processes involved and how that impacts your results.
You can also speak to their team and learn more about their company in the conference’s exhibit hall.
Interested in learning more about DNA and family history?
There are 10 sessions dedicated to genetic genealogy at the NYS Family History Conference this September, suitable for everyone from beginners to experts.

British Isles.
Pinpoint your DNA geographically with Living DNA
Living DNA’s labs have the ability to show you unique details about the geography of your genetic ancestry by breaking it down into specific regions around the globe, rather than generalizing geographical locations.
The results of tests are plotted within as many as 80 different regions worldwide and currently allow for a specialized level of detail in certain regions and areas of the globe.
The entire globe is divided into 52 specific regions, and if you have European DNA, you can locate your ancestry to one of the 20 regions of that continent.
At the moment, Living DNA has achieved the highest level of detail for areas of the British Isles - something that should cause the ears of those with Irish, Scottish, Welsh or English ancestry to perk up!
The British Isles have been broken down into 21 distinct regions allowing those with DNA from this area a fascinating level of detail that will certainly be useful in furthering their understanding of their ancestors.

this map may evolve over time.
The One Family One World Project
Users can choose to share their DNA data to (anonymously) contribute to Living DNA’s One Family One World project, which helps improve their understanding of global and regional DNA, and continue improving their geographic pinpointing.
According to the Living DNA website, "The aim of the project is to confirm whether the proposed genetic boundaries [for each region] are correct, and redefine them based upon the genetic data submitted by participants that fall within these regions." Click here to learn more
Living DNA hopes to increase their ability to help people all over the world learn about their ancestry by increasing the areas where they can provide precise information.
Some examples of ongoing regional projects include Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and West Africa. For more geographic locations featured as part of Living DNA’s project, click here.
As Living DNA’s ability to analyze DNA improves over time, users who have already submitted samples will be able to access updated and improved DNA reports.
Learn more about Living DNA
To learn more about Living DNA, visit their website. You can also follow them on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with their exciting advancements.
And don’t miss the rare opportunity to meet the team in-person this September at the New York State Family History Conference in Tarrytown, NY.
The conference features two-and-a-half days of lectures on a variety of genealogy topics, as well as a number of sessions dedicated to learning about DNA and family history, suitable for everyone from beginners to experts.