Beginning in 1869 the NYG&B began collecting resources that document the stories of New York's families.In addition to our popular online collections, the physical collections of the NYG&B are maintained by the New York Public Library at the Library’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street) in New York City, located just two blocks from the NYG&B's headquarters. Archival materials from the NYG&B are located in both the Manuscript Division and in the Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy. Included are thousands of books, manuscripts, and other valuable resources for anyone tracing New York families.
The New York Public Library's online catalog and the NYPL archives portal allow visitors to locate materials that are part of the NYG&B's collections. In addition, here on the NYG&B website we provide a searchable database of our collections at the NYPL, identifying:
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The NYPL has also created a detailed finding aid to archival collections donated by the NYG&B.
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Key Collections
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Locale Files
(Milstein Division, NYGB Loc 2008-001)
A collection of miscellaneous documents filed by location including, church, cemetery, and vital records, and legal and tax documents primarily of New York City and New York State. New Jersey and Connecticut are heavily represented, and other states are included to a lesser degree.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Localities Files 1653-1986
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18357)
Original documents and reproductions of marriage certificates, correspondence, genealogical research notes, wills, deeds, land records, vital records, maps, and clippings relating to groups, events, and individuals of genealogical or historical interest situated primarily in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Several of the New York files contain transcripts of records and notes for the Society of Friends.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Subject Files ca. 1828-ca. 2000
(Milstein Division, NYGB Subject 2009-001)
Files organized by subject relating to organizations, churches, events, and individuals of genealogical or historical interest. Several of the files contain material for the Nine Partners Monthly Meeting (Dutchess Co., New York Society of Friends). Much of the material relates to New York City and New York State history, but there are also materials on United States history, and on other states, including, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Bible Transcript Files, 1550-1967
(Milstein Division, NYGB Bible Transcripts 2008-001)
Photocopies and transcripts of Bible records relating mostly to New York families of the 16th to 19th centuries, including the Allen, Davis, Francis, Hall, Johnson, Lewis, Mott, Rikert, Smith, and Thompson families. Some family Bible transcripts are in Dutch and some files contain additional materials.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Family Files 1654-2002
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18274). 41 boxes in alphabetical order by surname.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Family Files: Milstein Division (each file has a separate call number): 3937 files accessible through the research catalog. Not all surnames are listed in each catalog entry, so onsite exploration is necessary. Click here for a full listing. To find a surname, use the advanced search, entering the surname in the title and NYGB Fam 2008 in the call number field.
Allen Family Genealogical Research Papers 1706-1935 (bulk 1883-1935)
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18109)
Correspondence, genealogical notes, clippings, photographs, printed material, family charts and original family wills of Daniel Allen of Greenfield, Saratoga County, New York and Adams, Massachusetts. Additional research notes relate to the Palmer, Seward, and other allied families.
Ezra Ayers Carman Genealogical Research Papers 1816, 1860-1931
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18081)
Genealogical research papers on the history and genealogy of the Ayers and Carman families including a bound volume of E.A. Carman's notes on the Ayers family.
Baldwin Family Genealogical Research Papers 1872-1924
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18176)
Evelyn Briggs Baldwin was a meteorologist and Polar explorer who accompanied Robert E. Peary on his North Greenland expedition in 1892-1894. This collection contains his files and correspondence generated in the course of his research on the Baldwin, Briggs, Bishop, Ryder, and other allied families.
Theodore M. Banta Genealogical Notes 1888-1903
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 128)
Research on the Banta and allied families including Astor (John Jacob), Bonnell (Bunnell), Coutant, Cuvilje (Ariantje), De Groot, DesMarets (DesMarest), Dickerson (Dickenson, Dickinson), Dyckman, Edwards, Golden (Golding, Goulding), Hegeman, Hendrickson, Heroy, Rayner (Rainer), Romejn, Romer, Spock, Squier (Squire), Sturges, Tallman, Vandervoort, and Van Hoorn (Van Horen).
Barber Family Research Files of Katharine Bagg Hastings 1920–1934
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 129)
Barber family genealogical research. A few of the allied family names are Burnet (Burnett), Chetwood, Dill, Elliot, Levis, Mancius, and Yates.
Blanchard Family Genealogical Research Papers 1744-1976
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18185)
Genealogical research on the Blanchard family. Barker, Countiss, Dyckman, Green, Hall, Robbins, Seitzinger, Shurburne, and Vermilye families are treated to a lesser extent.
Walter H. Bradish Papers 1862-1906
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18106)
Genealogical research files of Walter Horace Bradish (1848-1906) on his Bradish and Coventry descendants, and related families.
Joseph H. Brewer Genealogical Research Papers 1827-1979
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18101)
Joseph Hillyer Brewer was a publisher, librarian and college professor. Approximately fifty percent of the collection consists of his research into the histories of the Ackerman, Bogardus, Bradley, Burr, Chardarayne, Creighton, Giles, Cropsey, Havens, Keeler, Montfort, Pryer, Roorbach, Stayner, Schuyler, Van Vechten, Ward, and Whiting families. Also included are portrait photographs and a few miniature paintings, mid- to late-19th century, of the Roorbach, Fuller, Hillyer, Van Vechten, and other families.
Burgess Family Genealogical Research Papers 1880-1910
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18186)
Genealogical files of Edward Guyre Burgess (1848-1919), a grain merchant who lived and worked in both Montclair, New Jersey and New York, N.Y and traced his lineage to 17th-century England through the Burgess and allied Winslow, Crosby, Cole and Robblee families of Lanesboro, Duxbury, and Newbury, Mass. and Putnam County, N.Y.
Butler-Huntington-Smith Family Papers 1734-1991
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18243)
The Butler, Huntington, Smith, Cooke, and Clinch families were united through intermarriage and included prominent lawyers, architects, doctors, judges, politicians, scientists, and land owners hailing from New York City, Long Island, Boston, Cambridge, Lowell, Marblehead, Stockbridge and Worcester, Massachusetts. This collection consists of mostly 19th and 20th century family genealogical research.
Canal Street Presbyterian Church Register of Marriages and Baptisms 1816-1853
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18211)
Founded in 1808 as the Orange Street or Irish Presbyterian Church, Canal Street Presbyterian Church was renamed in 1825 and dissolved in 1894. The records contain lists of marriages performed between 1815-1853 and baptisms performed in the church from 1816-1829.
Canfield Family Genealogical Research Papers 1883-1941
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18157)
Family research primarily on Thomas Canfield of Milford, Conn. and Matthew Canfield of New Haven, Conn. and Newark, N.J. Also, some late 19th century portrait photographs of the Canfield and Coberly families.
Capehart Family Papers ca 1654-1965
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18130)
Family correspondence and research files compiled by Sara Wadley Capehart and Cristina Chace Capehart on the history and genealogy of the Wadley/Wadleigh family of New England and Georgia, as well as on the Peirce, Capehart and other allied families.
Chesebrough - Peckham Family Papers 1789-1987
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18128)
Correspondence and documents of members of the Chesebrough and Peckham families of New York.
Clay Family Genealogical Research Papers 1811-1965
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18114)
Genealogical research on the Clay family and related Pennock, Mathewson, Madison, Pontius, Cobean, Hanna, Brinckerhoff, Coe, and Boyd families. Also, includes personal papers of Edna Clay Goodspeed, an active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the manuscript of her unpublished work, Some Ohio Pioneers. Scrapbooks contain original photographs of members of the Clay, Coe, Brinckerhoff, Cobean, and DePuy families circa 1850-1951.
Guide to The Contemporary Club Records 1913-1992
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18183)
A New York City social club founded in 1913, The Contemporary Club was founded with the intent of fostering “the broad and free discussion of ideas and events, and the entertainment of distinguished persons.” The collection includes minutes, membership lists, and correspondence from its earliest years through its dissolution in 1992.
Colt Family Genealogical Research Papers 1878-1966
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18174)
The Colt family traced their lineage to John Colt who immigrated to the American colonies in 1636 or 1638 and Peter Colt (1744-1824) who served in the Continental Army from Connecticut. Allied families in this collection include Beaumont, Bowne, Child, Dunscomb, Grossinger, Hooker, McGill, More, Netherhall, Spencer, Turner, and Whiting.
Coon Family Genealogical Research Papers 1903-1943
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18179)
Warren Patten Coon (1879-1951) was a Methodist minister and a trustee of the Genealogical Society of New Jersey. The collection contains correspondence between Coon and several relatives, circa 1920-1939, along with research notes, genealogical lists, charts and family data sheets.
De Groat Family Genealogical Research Papers 1950-1985
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18195)
Genealogical notes, related correspondence, and photographs of the De Groat and allied families including the Block, Field and Kennelly families.
Delafield Family Genealogical Research Papers 1845, 1891, 1900-1961
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18164)
Genealogical research compiled by John Ross Delafield in the course of researching his book on the Delafield family. Twenty-three allied families include Blackwell, Hallett, Livingston and Schuyler.
Philip Schuyler Deluze Genealogical Research Files ca. 1880-ca. 1964
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 149)
Genealogical research on some sixty-five families mostly compiled by Philip Schuyler de Luze, a heraldic researcher of New York City and New Rochelle. The families lived primarily in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia.
Dye (Dey) Family Genealogical Research Notes ca. 1966-ca. 1999
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 178)
Research material relating to the Dye (Dey) and allied families, including Gerrard (Gerard), Kirk, Mickelwait, Minor (Miner), Perrin, and Tenney. The families settled in New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere.
Eastgate Family Papers 1848-1913; 1958
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18240)
Research material of Iantha Schultz Cantine (1864-1951) collected for her book The Descendants of John Eastgate, 1791-1837 in the United States. Material includes historic family documents, 19th century family letters, and family photographs.
Lloyd Espenschied Genealogical Research Papers ca. 1920-1973
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 157)
Espenschied's research into the history of his family and the related Crecelius, Dorscheimer, Fraenger, Von Gerichten, Overstolz, Spies, Wagner, Walhizer, and Young families. Also, notes from his research on German immigration, particularly to Pennsylvania, Wayne County, New York, St. Clair, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri.
Ferguson Family Papers 1727-1943
(Manuscripts and Archives Division)
The materials in this collection concern domestic life and mercantile activity in England and America during the late-18th and 19th centuries and document familial and commercial relationships between the Ferguson and other wealthy and socially prominent New York families, including the Walton, Morewood, Day, Ogden, Lyde, and Fisher families.
Ferris Family Genealogical Research Papers 1865-1967
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18189)
Genealogical research compiled by descendents of the Ferris family including family data sheets, research notes, photographs, and correspondence.
Morris P. Ferris Genealogical Research Files 1864-1928
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 127)
The collection largely documents Ferris’ own family history, but also contains research for of several other families, including the Adriance, Bedford, Brewer (Brouwer), Concklin, Dubois, Griffin, Hadley, Haines (Haynes), Mason, Platt, and Van Wyck families.
Ford, Roelker, Turle Family Papers 1811-1984
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18248)
The Ford, Roelker, and Turle families were united by intermarriage and resided in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. This collection spans multiple generations and consists of family papers, photographs, and genealogical research papers.
Gentry Collection of Genealogical Research Files 1675-1957
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 135)
Genealogical files of Franklin Marion Gentry's research on his family and that of his wife, Violet Dewey Young. Other family names include, Adams, Allan, Brooks, Dewey Foster, Harris, Harrison, Norton, Smith, Terrell, Thruston and Young. There are also many family names with just a small amount of material.
Harold Hazelton Genealogical Research Files 19-?
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 183)
Genealogical research principally on the Hazelton family, but also on the Frothingham and Roe families, compiled by Harold Hazelton with notes relating to the English ancestry of the Hazelton family.
David Parsons Holton Papers 1855-1881
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18107)
A founding member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, David-Parsons Holton’s papers contain correspondence, notebooks, genealogical research files, and ephemera tracing the history and genealogy of the Parsons and Holton families, his experiences in Paris and Berlin in the 1850s, and his participation in a variety of historical, patriotic, educational, and philanthropic societies.
Richard Hyer Genealogical Research Papers 1930-1975
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18238)
Correspondence with historical and genealogical societies, libraries, and other record holders relating to the Hyer family and other allied families including: Bicker, Demil, Foster, Gerret, Heyer, Schipper, Van Pelt, and Johnson.
Elsie Powell Ingraham Family Papers 1810-1962
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18134)
Family research on the Ingraham, Powell, Brown, Hopper, and allied families -- prominent Quakers residing primarily in New York City, Old Chatham, N.Y. and Cambridge, Mass. Significantly represented in the collection are histories of compilers Elsie Powell Ingraham, her husband Edward Ingraham, and her sister Rachel Hopper Powell.
Rufus King Genealogical Research Papers 1720-1920
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18162)
Rufus King (1838-1924) was a banker by profession as well as a respected genealogist. His New England ancestors included the revolutionary war veteran and New York State Senator Rufus King, after whom he was named. Research papers consist primarily of materials collected by King in the course of tracing his family's lineage.
Klefeker and Saxer Family Papers 1813-1907
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18168)
Correspondence and memorabilia of members of the Klefeker and Saxer families in Germany and the United States. Nearly all of the materials in the collection are written in old German script.
William Conrad Kopper and Serena Deas Murphy Center Genealogical Research Files 1816-1986
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18125)
The William Conrad Kopper and Serena Deas Murphy Center genealogical research files contain family papers and genealogical research pertaining to the Belknap, Center, Innes, Murphy, and allied families.
Mitchell Family Papers 1706-1957
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18127)
This collection contains the papers of the ancestors of Cornelius von Erden Mitchell, members of the Mitchell, Davis, Spingler and Van Beuren families, and their connections.
John Dorrance Morrell Genealogical Research Files ca. 1880-ca. 1981
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 179)
Research papers of professional genealogist John Dorrance Morrell. The principal families researched are Bailey, Beebe, Bickford, Brownell, Burgess, Burns, Denison, Dorrance, Gallup, Goodrich, Groesbeck, Hess, Holmes, Leavitt, McDougall, Moard, Morrell, Moulthrop, Nichols, Proctor, Rossiter, Schramling, Scramlin, Silver, Slade, Somers, Sommer, Thompson, Van Alstyne, Wilbor, Williams, and Young. The families originated mostly in England, Ireland and Scotland and settled principally in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Canada.
New York City and New York State Legal Documents 1775-1835
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18159)
A collection of New York City and New York State legal documents including promissory notes, dockets of cases, bail bonds, warrants for arrest, some wills, and other family information. Most of the documents originated in the New York City Mayor's Court (also known as the Court of Common Please) and the New York Supreme Court of Judicature. Many pertain to debt.
Odell Family Genealogical Research Papers 1758-1947
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18161)
Research files on the Odell family who settled in Rye, New York.
Lila James Roney Genealogical Research Files ca. 1800- ca. 1991
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 148)
Research on numerous families compiled by professional genealogist Lila James Roney and others. The families settled primarily in New York State, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Francis J. Schneider Records of Marriages Performed in New York City 1869-1906
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18165)
Rev. Francis J. Schneider, a Protestant minister (1832-1907?) who immigrated to the United States from Germany, was known as the "marrying parson" for the nearly 20,000 marriages he performed from 1869 to 1906. The collection consists of his copies of the marriage records he submitted to the New York City Health Department.
Stokes Family Genealogical Research Papers 1709-1960
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18139)
Genealogical research materials compiled and collected by Anson Phelps Stokes, author of the Stokes Records (1910), and his daughter, Helen Phelps Stokes on the Phelps and Stokes families, who were bankers and merchants in New England and New York.
Storey, and Trenchard Family Papers 1829-1984
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18260)
Personal correspondence and original documents pertaining to the Conklin, Leonard, Storey and Trenchard families primarily of Rockland County, New York and their connections.
Stryker-Rodda Collection ca. 1895-ca. 1992
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 147)
Genealogical research notes, charts, Bible and church records, family documents, and cemetery inscriptions compiled by professional genealogists Harriet and Kenn Stryker-Rodda and others, relating to several hundred families, primarily from New York State, with a number from Long Island. Location files include Brooklyn, New Utrecht and Newtown, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Richard C. Sutton Genealogical Research Papers 1801-1886, 1916-1943
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18130)
Genealogical research on the Sutton and Steele families of New York City. Allied families include the Brown, Davison, Falconer, Ostrom, Seger, Smith, Stymets, Vaughan, Wisner, and Woodruff families, all of New York and the surrounding areas.
Howard A. Thomas Genealogical Research Files ca. 1884-1992
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 176)
Genealogical research of Howard A. Thomas, mostly relating to his and his wife's family histories. The principal families researched are Ambler, Berry, Doyle, Draper, Dungan, Odell, Peet, Sincerbeaux (Sinsabaugh), Thomas, Timpson (Timson), and Vanderburgh, who settled in Connecticut, Maryland, New York, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and elsewhere. Also included are notes from the actresses Glenn Close and Julie Harris, and cartoonist Dick Moores, as well as material on the ancestry of model and actress Brooke Shields.
Alfred Vail Genealogical Research Papers ca. 1851-1902
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 166)
Correspondence, research notes, questionnaires completed by family members, and family charts on the Vail family primarily of New York and New Jersey.
William G. Verplanck Genealogical Research Papers 1880-1920
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18278)
The Verplanck family has a notable history in New York dating from 1633. Descendents participated in the development of the business and banking industry in New York City and were among the Trustees of Kings College, now Columbia University. The William G. Verplanck genealogical research papers consist primarily of the notes, correspondence and collected papers he compiled in the course of tracing his family's lineage and related families including Verplanck, Hopkins, Gordon, and Vought.
Katharine Tomkins Villard Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks ca 1899-1933
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MssCol NYGB 18133)
The personal collection of Katharine Tomkins Villard (1904-2000) documenting her life from childhood through the early years of her marriage to Vincent S. Villard in 1928.
Clare McVickar Ward Genealogical Research Files 1970-1997
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 177)
Research material compiled by professional genealogist Clare McVickar Ward. Families covered extensively include Gerard, Hague, Lewis, Michelson, Ramsey, Roe-Moller, Sarvent, and Wood. The majority of the families are located in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, but information on branches located in Ohio, Texas, and Virginia are also found in the collection.
Warner Family Genealogical Research Papers 1670-1861, 1960-1962
(Manuscripts and Archives Division, MSSCol NYGB 18203)
Primarily notes, correspondence, and family papers generated by Mildred Warner Nunn in the course of tracing her family's lineage which include the first pastor of the Dutch Collegiate Church of New Amsterdam and William Warner, who settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1637.
Woody Family Genealogical Research Files by McIver Woody 1944-1968
(Milstein Division, NYGB Coll 170)
Research files on the Woody and allied families, including Calmes, Dalrymple, and Dowd, as well as Betts, Blackwell, Burt, Fowlkes, Harrington, McIver, Nelson, Neville, Oliver, Parrot, and Waller families. Much of the material refers to family members located in New York and North Carolina.