
Our friends at the Troy Irish Genealogy Society have recently added two new digital databases to their already impressive collection.

Marriage Notices Appearing in Troy Newspapers 1797–1860

The first is an index to 6,177 marriage notices covering 12,354 names published in five different Troy, New York newspapers 1797–1860, originally created by the Troy Public Library staff (1938–1939).

Since these records pre-date the 1880 law requiring all marriages to be recorded, they are very valuable - finding evidence of these marriages elsewhere may be difficult or impossible.

Most entries show the name of the bride and groom, the residence address for both, date of marriage, names of newspapers that reported the marriage along with the newspaper date, page and column number where you will find the notice in the appropriate newspaper.

It is important to note that the residence for the bride and groom is not just Troy, but may cover all area of New York State, other States and even foreign countries.



The five newspapers include:

  • Troy Budget
  • Troy Gazette
  • Troy Sentinel
  • Troy Post*
  • Troy Whig

*There were no Troy Times records in the index; however, some Troy Post records are included.

This helpful article from the Troy Irish Genealogy Society, Newspapering in Rensselaer County identifies which newspapers are available, on microfilm or hard copy, at the Troy Library.

World War II Honor Roll - Sixth Ward, South Troy

The second is a data base identifies residents of South Troy's Sixth Ward whose names were listed on the Word War II Honor Roll, once located on Burden Avenue near the approach to the Menands.

The monument was demolished more than 50 years ago, but thanks to the Troy Irish Genealogy Society, the list of names is now online.

In addition to the identification of the names that were on this monument, there is some information on that area of Burden Avenue with references to the Burden Estate, the Burden Water Wheel, St. Joseph's Infant Home, the South End Tavern, Dave's Grill and the Snuggery Inn which may be of interest to readers.

The Troy Irish Genealogy Society is a valuable resource for anyone with ancestry in upstate New York and was the featured New York society from our Summer 2015 issue of the New York State Researcher. Members can read the article by clicking here