Richmond County Clerk Records (Staten Island “Court” Records)

The New York City Municipal Archives holds records from Staten lsland labeled “Staten Island Court” however, these records originated from the Richmond County Clerk’s office and thus include far more than court-related documents. The items may not have been cataloged, therefore the 76-page inventory is critical to researchers.

Aaron Goodwin in New York City Municipal Archives: An Authorized Guide for Family Historians provides an alphabetical listing, which include inventories of “Actions” and “Special Proceedings” [name change, incompetency, and conservatorship records].

The College of Staten Island’s article "Staten Island Research Materials at Other Institutions," by Dr. James Kaser describes some of the collection. The inventory is reprinted with permission of the New York City Municipal Archives.

A selected list of titles in the inventory:

Court Records

1820 - 1942 (earliest item appears to be jury lists from 1820)

Common Pleas [court records]

1783 - 1815

Tax Deeds

late 1800s

Coroner’s Inquests

1851 - 1897

Corporation Contracts

1935 - 1937

Liens and Building Loans

1848 - 1929

Exemptions from Military duty


Lis Pendens [court calendars]

1824 - 1899

Certificates of Incorporation

1848 - 1929


1788 - 1929

Divorce Judgments

1861 - 1933 [some may be restricted]


1828 - 1929

“Old Files”

various years

Naturalization Affidavits

1820 - 1906 [one of the many Naturalization related collections]

