As part of the NYG&B’s Digitize New York initiative, our digital services team has been working to preserve and make accessible as many at-risk documents as possible. Now it’s your turn to bring your own materials to scan!
To kick off NYG&B Week, you are invited into our New York City Digitization Center for individual 30-minute slots to digitally preserve your own records for free, using our state-of-the-art Copibook scanner.
Mitchell Toolan, NYG&B Chief of Staff, and Deborah Barber, NYG&B Temporary Digital Collections Manager, will guide you through the image capture and editing technologies that we use in our digital preservation work. Participants will receive a free external drive that contains their own archivable, high-resolution digital files to take home. Anyone—both NYG&B members and the wider family history community—can sign up to participate.
This is a free in-person event as part of NYG&B Week, but registration is required.