Door Prize Winners


Door Prize Winners

Announcements and General Discussion

Here are the winners of today's giveaways; the winners will also be emailed directly.

One year MyHeritage Complete account

Shirley D. Vivion

Y-DNA 37 Test from FamilyTreeDNA

Alexander Perry Scott

Sun, 11/19/2023 - 21:56

Friday Winners!

The winners of today’s door prizes are: One Family Finder Test from FamilyTreeDNA – won by Heidi McCluskey; a One year membership to – won by Dorothy J. Clark; and Legacy Family Tree software – won by Terri Lyons Smith. Congratulations to all the winners!

Sun, 11/19/2023 - 21:56

Saturday winners!!

As we approach the end of Day 3 of the New York State Family History Conference, we are happy to share today’s door prize winners: a one year MyHeritage Complete account, won by Carol Vosseller and Melinda Figueroa. Congratulations!