Among the larger manuscript holdings of The NYG&B Library is the Innes Getty Collection. It consists of 18 typescript volumes by Innes Getty of Yonkers, New York (1877-1958), a Trustee of the Society and Chairman of the Record Committee 1953-1957.

The volumes cover, in alphabetical order, hundreds of families from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Most families were of old Albany County or New York City, with a few in northern New Jersey or New England. The work is well-documented and, for some of the families, this is still the best compiled account. A transmittal letter from Mr. Getty at the beginning of the first volume indicates that the Collection represented work in progress, not a finished product.

The treatment of the families varies widely:

  1. A few dozen families are traced for several generations; these are listed below with the name of the settler. [2]

  2. Another 165 family names are listed in the table below; these are usually traced for two to three generations.

  3. And another 400 or so family names [3], not listed here, are included only because one or more men of that name married into the families in (a) or (b) above. [4] For these there is merely a page or two listing the couple's children.

Although the volumes are almost entirely unpaged and unindexed (and some pages are bound out of order), [5] the Innes Getty Collection is a valuable resource for New York genealogy.

Descendants of the following settlers are traced for several generations:

§ = Separate volume of the Innes Getty Collection
* * = Other material by Innes Getty in the Society's Library

Andries Hanse BARHEIT
Jeronimus Hanse BARHEIT
Jan Jurrianse BECKER
John BOUTON (Connecticut family)
Albert Andriesen BRADT (some descendants Van der Zee) § **
Arent Andriesen BRADT § **
Jochem COLYER (some pages under Caljer)
Leendert Philipse CONYN
Obadiah COOPER **
Jan EVERTSE (some descendants Jansen)
Jellis Douwse FONDA
GETTY (various settlers & locations) **
Caspar Jacobse HALENBECK
Nicholas KITTEL **
Frans Pieterse KLAUW
Gerrit Gerritse LANSING
Lieven JANSE (descendants called LIEVENS)
Robert PADDOCK (New England family) § **
(some pages after Seeger)
Teunis Cornelise SLINGERLAND **
Jan Martense VAN ALSTYNE
Pieter VAN ALEN § **
Laurens VAN ALEN § **
Cornelis Hendrickse VAN NESS **
Nicholas VAN SCHAACK (but some pages not §)
Goosen Gerritse VAN SCHAICK §
Willem Pieterse VAN SLYCK
Hendrick Gerritse VAN WIE


The Innes Getty Collection

Families usually traced for 2-3 generations


(Alternate spellings are for clarification or may represent pages in two locations in the Collection.)


Abeel Hagedorn Teller
Albrecht Hansen Ten Broeck
Amory Harding Truax/Du Trieux
Anthony Heermans Trumbull
Appel Herkimer  
  Hogan Van Antwerp
Bankert Hogeboom Van Arnhem
Barret Hoguel Van Benschoten
Beekman Holland Van Benthuysen **
Bergen Hoogteling Van Boskerk
Hoppe(r) Van Buren
  Van der Heyden
Bogardus Jansen ** Van der Hoeven
Bogart   Van der Poel
Bond Ketel ** Van de(r) Water
Brodt Kip Van der Werken
Brouwer Krankheit Van der Zee
Bye   Van Deusen
  Lang Van Dyck
Carey Lent Van Eckelen
Cassirer Le Roy/Larroway Van Egmont/Van Voorhout
Clarkson Lewis
Clitz Loockermans Van Everen/Van Iveren
Clute Lydius
Coeymans   Van Kleeck
Cornick Mandeville Van Meppelen
Cosaar Meyer Van Noortstrant/
Van Oostrant
Cowan Moor
Croesvelt Mulder/Muller Van Orden
Cunningham   Van Petten
  Oliver Van Rensselaer
Damen Oothout Van Rynsburgh
Debevoise Ostrander Van Salisduk/Gonsalus
De Foreest Ouderkerk Van Salsbergen/
De Hooges  
De Metselaer Peelen Van Schelluyne
De Ridder Perry Van Schaick, Cornelis §
De Voe Polhemus Van Slyck
Dickson Post Van Tassel
Dings   Van Valkenburgh
Douw Rapalje Van Vechten
Dreeper Reeder Van Vleck
  Reynders Van Vlieren
Earle Riddenhaars Van Wert/Van Woert
Eckerson Roseboom Van Weyen
Egberts Rossman Van Wyck
Eldertsz Rutgers Varian
Ellsworth Ryerson Vinhagen
Fitzgerald Sackerly/Shackerly Vosburgh
Fort Salisbury Vrooman
Freese Scherp  
Fryenmoet Schuyler Wendel
  Seeger Wheeler
Gerritszen Sie Wiltsie
Gilbert Sigsbee/Sixberry Winne
Gillespie Simon Witbeck
Goes/Hoes Spoor Wyckoff
Goelet Staats ** Wyngaard
Goewey Storm  
Groesbeck Stymets/Steynmets Yates
Groot Swart Yerks

§ = Separate
* * = Other material by Innes Getty in the Society's Library



[1] See his obituary in The Record 90:1-2, citing his Record articles on Fryenmoet (vol. 79) and Van Alen (vols. 81-82). The footnotes to the Van Alen article contain information on many of the families in the Innes Getty Collection.

[2] The spelling used in this article may differ slightly from that used by Mr. Getty (which is not always consistent) and from the spine titles (e.g. Bradt/Bratt; Van Alen/Van Allen). Also, his use of superscripts was not necessarily keyed to the settler.

[3] This is a rough guess, based on the first and third volumes [the second volume is entirely on the Bradt family].

[4] It appears that Mr. Getty took these pages from his accounts of wives' families. However, for the families of De Garmo, Dingman and Van den Bergh, the accounts were not bound with the Collection but are to be found separately in the Library, using the main catalog or manuscript catalog.

[5] Usually the misbound pages are not far out of order. Names beginning with Br-Bu may be in the first or third volumes.


by Henry B. Hoff, CG, FASG, FGBS

Originally published in The NYG&B Newsletter, Summer 1992

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