American Agriculturalist Farm Directory and Reference Book, Monroe and Livingston Counties, New York

This volume is a farm directory with a reference book and road map for 1917. The full volume covers Monroe and Livingston Counties.

Collection Category: Directories|Collection Type: OCR|Location: Monroe County, Livingston County

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Researchers will find listings arranged by last name followed by first name and second initial, if applicable. If married, the wife’s names appear in parenthesis. Information on the farms and their owners can provide direct material related to ancestors. This directory can give researchers a glimpse into what kind of work was necessary for an ancestor to farm a certain crop, including the requirements land needed for a crop as well as what kind of tools were needed to make a living and maintain a business.

Other information in this directory includes:

  • Name of children
  • Business or occupation
  • Chief crop or specialty (grain, apples, etc.)
  • Number of acres and lot numbers

Use the waypoint links below to jump to a specific section, or to get an overview of what can be found:

This book was published by the Orange Judd Company in 1917.