Church of the Transfiguration

This collection was preserved and made accessible online through the NYG&B's Digitize New York initiative.

Watch a free webinar recording for this collection, in which the NYG&B team explains what you can find and how you can search it.

Collection Category: Religious Records, Marriage Records, Digitize New York|Collection Type: Indexed|Location: New York City

The Church of the Transfiguration collection consists of marriage certificates and register books organized by year for the Episcopalian parish located at 1 East 29th Street, New York, NY. While both record types can be browsed by clicking on each year, the marriage certificates can also be searched using the search box. Researchers can search the first and last names of the bride and groom, as well as additional collected data in the keywords field. Data that can be searched as keywords include the date of marriage, places of birth and ages of the bride and groom, and names of parents. 

Digitization and indexing for this project is ongoing. The registers, some of which also contain baptisms, confirmations, communicants, deaths, burials, rectors, curates, and parishioners, will cover the years 1877 to 1958. The marriages certificates will cover the years 1888 to 1974.

Marriage Certificates

These marriage certificates issued by the church are organized by date when browsed and are also searchable. Data was collected from each document and transcribed faithfully, without inference, to create the index. Additional data on each document not indexed includes each parties' residence, number of prior marriages and prior marital status of the bride and groom, witnesses, and signatures. 


Each bound register volume, currently browsable only, is organized by year. The marriage registers contain the date and place of marriage, full names, ages, and residences of the bride and groom, full names and residences of the parents, signature of the clergyman, witnesses, and remarks. Church registers, often filled out by the same individual, are helpful tools against other documents containing the same information, such as church-issued marriage certificates, but with varying levels of legible handwriting. 

Marriage Registers

Baptismal Registers

Deaths and Burials Registers

Confirmation Registers

Other Registers

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About the Church of the Transfiguration

The Church of the Transfiguration, known as the "Little Church Around the Corner", was founded in 1848 with the mission to serve the poor and marginalized. Centuries later, and now a national landmark, the church is still serving it's mission, resulting in tens of thousands of records. Learn more.

The Church of the Transfiguration a.k.a. Little Church Around the Corner. NoMad, Manhattan, NYC. stock photo