Delaware County Religious Records

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This collection contains digitized genealogy records from churches in Delaware County, New York.

Some volumes are searchable, others can only be browsed by image.

Read below for a complete list of all churches included in this collection. Click the waypoint links to view images from that church.

Collection Category: Religious Records|Collection Type: Text & Images|Location: Delaware County

Harpersfield, Presbyterian Congregation

This collection contains two volumes of transcribed records of the Presbyterian Congregation of Harpersfield, in the town of Harpersfield, Delaware County, New York. 

This volume is text searchable – searches entered in the fields on this page will query this volume. The images can also be browsed by clicking the links below, which will take you to the beginning of the section you are interested in reading.

Included are:

Along with names and dates, useful information about the congregation and a description of the church records are provided for readers.

This volume was completed by Royden Woodward Vosburgh in 1921.

Moresville (Roxbury), Reformed Dutch (Volume contains additional churches: South Gilboa, Blenheim, and Blenheim Ridge)

This volume contains transcribed records from the Reformed Dutch Church of Moresville, Delaware County, New York. There are also miscellaneous records for the following churches: South Gilboa, Blenheim, and Blenheim Ridge Church of New Concord in the town of Chatham, New York.

The digitized images from these volumes can be browsed, but cannot currently be searched. The images can also be browsed by clicking the links below, which will take you to the beginning of the section you are interested in reading.

Included are:

Along with names and dates, useful information about the churches and its congregation are provided for readers. Also included is a description of the church records.

This volume was completed by Royden Woodward Vosburgh in 1919.

Stamford, First Presbyterian

This collection contains two volumes of transcribed records of the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford in the village and town of Stamford, Delaware County, New York.  

This volume is text searchable – searches entered in the fields on this page will query this volume. The images can also be browsed by clicking the links below, which will take you to the beginning of the section you are interested in reading.

Included are:

Along with names and dates, useful information about the congregation and a description of the church records are provided for readers.

This volume was completed by Royden Woodward Vosburgh in 1921.

Stamford, St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Hobart

This volume contains transcribed records from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in the village of Hobart, town of Stamford, Delaware County, New York.

The digitized images from these volumes can be browsed, but cannot currently be searched. The images can also be browsed by clicking the links below, which will take you to the beginning of the section you are interested in reading.

Included are:

Along with names and dates, useful information about the church’s history is provided for readers through a newspaper article and the compiler's notes.

This volume was completed by Royden Woodward Vosburgh in 1921.


Suggested citation for this collection:

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, “Delaware County Religous Records” digital images, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, (, 2019.