Fairchild Cemetery Manual: A Reliable Guide to the Cemeteries of Greater New York and Vicinity

Collection Category: Cemetery|Collection Type: OCR|Location: Suffolk County, Nassau County, Kings County, Richmond County, Queens County, New York County, Rockland County, Westchester County, Putnam County, Orange County

This guide was researched and compiled in 1910 by Fairchild Sons, a funeral home located in Brooklyn, NY. It contains a wide range of information pertaining to decease and burial, including a detailed survey of all cemeteries within 50 miles of New York City, laws relating to cemeteries, and indices of hospitals, coroners, morgues and burial permit offices. The text is not broken into distinct chapters; it is interspersed with illustrated advertisements for such items as coffins, biers and embalming tables. 

Chapter highlights include:
•    Detailed survey of Cemeteries Near New York City, pgs. 11-175
•    Laws relating to burial and cemeteries, pgs. 181-231
•    General Index of Cemeteries in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut
•    General Index of Hospitals in Greater New York, pgs. 261-265

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