NYG&B Flagship Publications

Since our founding in 1869, publishing authoritative material focused on New York State genealogy has been a primary focus of the NYG&B.

Our publications provide crucial guidance for researchers, while also preserving essential genealogical work and historical records. In addition to our quarterly periodicals, we have authored a number of comprehensive research guides. Below we provide an overview of our major releases.

New York State Archives Guide: For Family Historians, Biographers, and Historical Researchers

This comprehensive reference book identifies key collections, strategies, and methodologies for accessing the vast holdings of the New York State Archives. This is an essential tool for anyone researching New York’s heritage—including its numerous towns and villages—for many years to come.

Experienced researchers will delight in the book’s guide to rarely explored collections, while those new to researching New York families will be pleased to learn of the vast amounts of materials accessible to them online and on-site.

Author Jane Wilcox’s work is supported by an editorial team of editors and reviewers, including staff from the New York State Archives and the NYG&B, members of the NYG&B’s Family History Advisory Committee, and other New York experts.


New York Family History Research Guide and Gazetteer

Winner of the 2016 National Genealogical Society Award for Excellence: Genealogical Methods and Sources

This one-of-a-kind textbook is the definitive resource for New York State genealogists and family history researchers. More than 100 experts have reviewed and contributed to this work, which includes authoritative guidance on every key topic about New York family history.

The two-volume 869-page guide has a chapter on each major record group and research resources; guidance on researching all major ethnic and religious groups that have lived in New York; gazetteers and research guides for each of New York's 62 counties; and much more. This publication was revised and updated in 2017.


New York City Municipal Archives: A Guide for Family Historians (Enhanced March 2025)

Winner of the 2017 National Genealogical Society Award for Excellence: Genealogical Methods and Sources

The newly revised edition of this reference work answers the need for historians, genealogists, students, and others to have a clear, rational description of the New York City Municipal Archives’ relevant public records—where they are located, what they contain, and how they can be accessed. Coverage includes the City of New York and its predecessor cities, towns, and villages.

All chapters are now enhanced with updated access information, including the extensive digitization efforts of the Municipal Archives.

New material includes information on additional birth, death, and marriage records now accessible, voter registrations, and police and fire department records.


New York County Guides for Family Historians

The NYG&B has authored a series of guides for all 62 counties in New York State, written specifically for the genealogy researcher.

Each guide includes:

  • Locations for all genealogically relevant records in that county.
  • A curated list of the most crucial print and online resources for that county.
  • A gazetteer with a comprehensive list of historical place names, boundary changes, and important geographical notes.
  • A county map showing contemporary town, county, and state boundaries.

Whether you're planning a research trip or searching remotely, these guides will save time and provide essential suggestions not found elsewhere.