Family history is a fascinating and personal way for everyone to better understand who they are and how our past has shaped us. Genealogy also helps to reveal and strengthen connections between individuals and communities. But how do you get started?
Join the NYG&B and guest speaker Michael Cassara for a look at the key essentials for beginning your genealogy journey; resources and tips specific to conducting Italian family history research; and how you can preserve your own New York family stories.
Speaker Bio
Michael Cassara is a professional genealogist and lecturer based in New York City, specializing in Italian/Sicilian genealogy, New York and New Jersey research, and genealogical technology. He has frequently presented at regional societies as well as national conferences, including six years of presentations at RootsTech, and numerous talks at FGS, OGS, the APG PMC, and dozens of local and regional societies. He is the Past President of the Italian Genealogical Group ( and currently serves as President of the Metropolitan Postcard Club, the oldest continuously-operated deltiological organization in the United States. Find him online at
This series is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.