
Released December 09!
Released May 04!
Released March 29!
Released March 03!
Released May 19!

New York State Census Records Online


A complete guide to all New York State census records that can be found online. 

This guide provides an overview of every New York state census, what kind of information can be found within each one, and where researchers can search New York state censuses online.

Why should researchers be using both federal censuses and New York state censuses? These records often form the backbone of family history research.

Special Federal Census Schedules For New York State


Most researchers are familiar with using the "Population Schedules" of federal censuses from 1850 - 1880 - these records are some of the most widely used of all genealogical sources.

But have you explored the "Special Schedules" of the 1850-1880 censuses? Many researchers overlook these collections even though they contain unique information of genealogical and historical value. 

The Special Schedules fall into four categories:

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