
Released November 06!
Released May 24!

Reconstructing Manhattan's Forgotten Syrian Quarter

In-person and Online

During the late 19th century, immigrants from present-day Lebanon, Syria, and historic Palestine began to settle on Manhattan’s Lower West Side. What was once a vibrant community woven into the rich tapestry of New York...

Released June 29!
Released June 27!
Released August 04!

New York Immigration Records Online


The growth of New York State has been greatly influenced by immigration from countries all over the world. New York immigration records document the arrival of individuals from foreign countries in New York State. 

The Port of New York in New York City was (and still is) the only official seaport entry into the state. On land, several points along the Canadian border are official immigration stations, but only beginning in 1895. 

Tips for Finding Your Immigrant Ancestors

Immigration, Naturalization
The stories of our immigrant ancestors are inspiring and fascinating - the genealogical records that help us piece together how, when, and why our ancestors immigrated to America are some of the most sought-after for good reason. 
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