
Released January 10!

New York Naturalization Records Online


Naturalization records document the process our immigrant ancestors went through to become a United States citizen.  

For some of our ancestors, becoming a U.S. citizen was a long-sought goal, and there is no better way to preserve this achievement forever than finding the documents that formalized it.  

Tips for Finding Your Immigrant Ancestors

Immigration, Naturalization
The stories of our immigrant ancestors are inspiring and fascinating - the genealogical records that help us piece together how, when, and why our ancestors immigrated to America are some of the most sought-after for good reason. 

New York genealogy tips from D. Joshua Taylor and Susan R. Miller

Beginner Tips, Court, German, Immigration, Land, Naturalization
Earlier this year, we had our first ever live chat session with the President of the NYG&B, Joshua Taylor, and our Director of Education and Programming, Susan R. Miller.
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